USCAR leadership is composed of a council, a leadership group and seven technology leadership councils.
Each level of leadership includes representatives from each of the USCAR Member companies (Ford Motor Company, General Motors and Stellantis).
The USCAR Council provides overall strategic direction for USCAR and its Member company representatives are:

Matt Jones
Executive Director – Technology Strategy, Research & Advanced Engineering, Ford Motor Company

Paul Krajewski
Director - Connected Vehicle Experience Research, General Motors

Steve Rober
Senior Vice President – Global Head of Electronics & Semiconductors, Stellantis
The USCAR Leadership Group (ULG) provides operational direction to USCAR and its Member company representatives are:
- Cynthia Flanigan, Henry Ford Technical Fellow, Ford
- Maureen August, Lab Group Manager, GM
- John Borowski, Senior Manager, Global Program Management Operations Lead, Stellantis
Technical Leadership Councils (TLC) for each of USCAR’s major automotive technology areas create teams and project portfolios to address key pre-competitive challenges or opportunities within their technical scope.
Daily operations and oversight are provided by the USCAR Executive Director; this role is currently held by Steve Przesmitzki.