USCAR (United States Council for Automotive Research LLC) is a collaborative automotive technology company located in Southfield, Michigan, USA. Its Member companies are Ford Motor Company, General Motors and Stellantis.
Founded in 1992, USCAR facilitates the legal collaboration of its Members to create teams and conduct projects that address pre-competitive challenges and opportunities in major automotive technology areas.
These areas are advanced propulsion, electrical & electronics, energy storage, hydrogen fuel cells, manufacturing, materials and safety.
USCAR has two wholly-owned subsidiary companies, USABC (United States Advanced Battery Consortium LLC) and USAMP (United States Automotive Materials Partnership LLC).
Additionally, USCAR facilitates more than fifty teams made up of experts from our Members. Our subsidiary companies and several of our teams develop and publish documents to inform suppliers, researchers and others. We have developed this website to provide easy access to the documents and resources.