USCAR Recognition Awards – 2013

2013 Award Recipients

USCAR began presenting Lifetime Achievement Awards in 2003 to recognize individuals who made significant contributions to USCAR during an extended period of time. Most recipients have been active USCAR participants for at least a decade. Their dedication, expertise and the value of their contributions to the organization and our member companies have been immeasurable.

Amanda Demitrish (GM)
Finance Stakeholders

USCAR Team Awards recognize those teams and members who leveraged their resources, exceeded expectations, overcame challenges and created outstanding value for our member companies.

Update to USCAR-21 Crimp Performance Specification Team (EWCAP)
U.S. DRIVE Cradle-to-Grave Team
USABC Cooperative Agreement Proposal Team

The Special Recognition Award is designed to recognize individual OEM participants who excelled in the past year and demonstrated their exceptional commitment to USCAR by going above and beyond the call of duty. It recognizes those whose leadership inspires their teams to achieve greatness.

Michael Alef (GM)
Real Estate Stakeholders
Joy Hines Forsmark (Ford)
Materials TLC: United States Automotive Materials Partnership:  AMP-800 Magnesium Front End Project
Michael Levin (Ford)
Advanced Powertrain TLC: Selective Catalytic Reduction Working Group
Robert Moses (GM)
Advanced Powertrain TLC: Transmission Working Group
Mark Olszewski (Ford)
Manufacturing TLC: Manufacturing Working Group
Xiao Guang Yang (Chrysler)
Energy Storage TLC: U.S. DRIVE Electrochemical Energy Storage Tech Team and United States Advanced Battery Consortium

The Research Partner Award recognizes external collaborators, who have become essential members of our USCAR teams. They bring the depth and resources of their organizations or companies, expanding our circle of collaboration, and go the extra mile and to do more than their contracts require.

Donald Cohen (Michigan Metrology)
Manufacturing TLC: PNT-1004 Surface Measurement for Paint Project
Wei Yuan (Hitachi America Ltd.)
Materials TLC:  United States Automotive Materials Partnership: AMP-800 Magnesium Front End Project